Staffing Problems have Plagued the Job Market for Years
The COVID-19 pandemic caused one of the most major disruptions in the U.S. labor force in the country’s history, with more than 47 million workers leaving their jobs in 2021 alone. And that trend has shown no signs of slowing down, with Fortune magazine reporting that as of July 2022, more than 40% of American workers are still considering quitting their jobs.
What was once called “The Great Resignation” is now more appropriately termed “The Great Reshuffle”, as hiring rates have outpaced quitting rates since November 2020, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It’s true, workers are not just leaving their current employment, they are looking for new career paths that offer a better work-life balance, more flexibility, increased salaries, and a strong company culture.
If it’s one thing we’ve learned since the pandemic, it’s that business as usual is a thing of the past. But where there is change, there is opportunity for growth and adaptation. Both businesses and workers are in a unique place to reinvent, and even improve, the workplace dynamic. According to Forbes magazine, “At the core of it all are the beginnings of a new and better relationship between employers and employees. With all of its changes and challenges, if the Great Reshuffle delivers on its promise of a fresh workplace dynamic, we’re all in.”
How Essential Pros Franchises Fight Staffing Shortages
Still, there is a lot of work to be done getting the labor force back to pre-pandemic levels, and Essential Pros has emerged as the leading staffing agency to help companies fight staffing shortages. Our approach is simple: connecting quality people with quality work. Whereas other staffing agencies are more concerned with getting job candidates in and out the door as quickly as possible, Essential Pros’ approach is to take the time to make sure the right person is filling the right job.
At Essential Pros, we take the burden of hiring new employees off companies, which can be costly, time intensive, and require an incredible amount of effort. Our teams are experts at making sure your job opening finds the right target audience. From there, we take care of the entire process, conducting in-person interviews, background checks, drug tests, and much, much more. Unlike other staffing agencies, we take the time to get to know a job seeker’s wants and desires. That way, our clients know they have the right person for the job who is in it for the long haul.
“Essential Pros does everything other agencies say that they do, but they don’t,” says Travis Powell, CEO and founder of Essential Pros. “We check references – meaning, we actually call their references. We drug test. And we share this information with our clients, which gives them the peace of mind that we’ve actually done what we’ve said we were going to do. This is the reason that after 14 years in business, Essential Pros hasn’t lost a single client – and that’s saying something, considering we’ve expanded to five locations in new markets in that period of time. That’s our Essential Difference.”
Own an Essential Pros Franchise Today!
The U.S. labor force is uncharted territory, but one thing is clear: Americans want to work, and more than ever, they have clear expectations and desires when considering their new career path. No other staffing agency can match the time and care Essential Pros takes when finding the right person for the right job. Our franchisees have played a critical role in the past few years keeping the American economy rolling.
To learn more about this exciting time at Essential Pros, visit our research pages here. If you’re ready to start a conversation about investing in an Essential Pros franchise, fill out our form here. We look forward to hearing from you!